Sunday, January 25, 2009

the bigger picture

In the middle of all the science-related work, 3 labreps for Wednesday and a thesis extended abstract due on Monday, I resorted to watching the new Grey's Anatomy episode right after it finished downloading and definitely, time was not wasted. Not at all.

Back in the previous entry about having said that i've sensed something's missing lately and with it comes this uncertainty of sorts, I now come to see a bigger picture of what's out there. What I should hope for.

The episode started with Jeffrey Dean Morgan narrating (one of my favorite characters in the show) about the reality of heaven and hell:

Denny: I believe in heaven; I also believe in hell. I've never seen either but I believe they exist. They have to exist because without a heaven, without a hell-- we're all just heading for limbo.

With all its issues scattered and unfinished, it has been one of those shows that you can't wait to see what happens next and true enough, every scene made me ask for more.. Every love story had their defining moments showing how they have realized their mistakes, the truth, and change that leads to maturity.

The ending was the best. I feel for Meredith and I love the moment Derek stood waiting and comforted her up to the point when he seemed helpless and asked for Cristina's help. He's one of those guys who'd run the risk proving how willing he is to hold on and protect their future. :)

Heaven, hell, limbo. No one really knows where we're going or what's waiting for us when we get there. But the one thing we can say for sure with absolute certainty, it's the drama moments that take us to another place: moments of heaven on earth. And maybe for now, that's all we need to know.

There are only a few shows and movies that make me feel like this: teary-eyed and moved. It's not the ordinary goosebumps, it's one of those moments of heaven on earth... just when i have realized the bigger picture.

Friday, January 23, 2009

je ne sais pas

Where shall I even start?

With all the productivity for thesis (the rush for more data, editing our paper, and more specimens to prepare for the SEM forum on Sat), Aegis (several meetings and scheduled photoshoots here and there, updates, revisions for the blueprint pages, etc) acads (completion of requirements, good grades and then some), job fair and even family matters,

there's definitely something missing. I might seem to neglect something because of the overwhelming schedule and obligations to fulfill but i'm quite certain there should be something more.

I'm left with the uncertainty but I remain optimistic and hopeful on what lies in the coming weeks and few months left for my main project (the yearbook); and of course, thrilled for my batchmates and friends who are about to enter a new realm that awaits them in their respective careers.

As for me, i don't know. I'd rather wait and see. :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ægis Bulletin No. 2

Issue No. 2

Contact Details

The Ateneo Aegis 2009 Editorial Board, in consultation with the admin, will not be including the seniors' contact details in the yearbook anymore for privacy and security reasons.

Grad Pic Distribution

The distribution of graduation pictures will be on January 26-30 (Monday – Friday) at the Colayco Pavilion (Lower Part), from 8:00am to 4:30 pm.

Photo package balance and refunds for the Creative shot winners should be settled on the venue upon claiming your grad pictures.

Please bring your receipts.


You may still purchase a yearbook until February 2009 in case you were not able to during the registration period.

  • Get an order form from the Aegis Room (MVP 207)
  • Fill up the form with the necessary information
  • Pay the cashier


The Interactive Yearbook is a collection of poems, articles, videos, movie clips, music, photos and art works that encapsulate the four years you've spent at the Ateneo. ALL SENIORS are invited to share their photo, video, music or literary works with the whole batch by contributing to the content of the Interactive Yearbook (iYearbook).

File formats accepted

  • Photo (photography and art works) - JPEG (.jpg/.jpeg)
  • Video (documentaries, movie clips, etc.) - MPEG (.mpg/.mpeg) or SWF (.swf)
  • Literary (poems, short stories, articles, letters, etc.) - RTF (.rtf) or DOC (.doc)
  • Music - MP3 (.mp3)

Submission format

  • Save your submission/s in a CD. Label your CD by writing your name (or group name for group submissions) and content type of your submission (i.e., Photo, Video, Literary, or Music) on the CD. Do not compress your submission/s into an archive (.zip/.rar). Team Ægis will not edit/revise your submission, so make sure that whatever you submit has been finalized already.
  • In your CD, include an RTF or DOC file containing your name, contact information, and the title and short description (maximum of 7 sentences) of your submission. For multiple submissions (e.g., photos and literary works), please make sure that each submission has its own title and description.

How to submit

  • Submission is from January 19 to February 7, from 9:00am-4:30pm (weekdays) or 9:00am-12:00nn(weekends)
  • Drop your CDs in the designated boxes inside the Ægis room (MVP 207). For individual submissions: place your CD in the box labeled Individual Submissions.For group submissions: place your CD in the box labeled Group Submissions.

The deadline of submissions for the iYearbook is on February 7, 2009 (Saturday) at 12:00nn.

Visit the Aegis Website ( regularly for important announcements and updates

Brought to you by The Ateneo ÆGIS 2009 TEAM