Saturday, December 25, 2010


Today is Christmas, and one realization hit me:

Christmas is better when you were a kid.

As I saw my younger cousin open gifts (usually, I was the kid whom everyone loved to fool about Santa and all those gimmicks about Christmas) and jump every now and then when there's a new shirt, toy, and set of chocolates, it dawned on me that I was way past that phase of enjoying this event. Damn, I am old.

I used to defend my beliefs about Santa to my cousins and friends - how I always received my toy trains, Harry Potter collectibles, Ruffles, Lays, Toblerone, and more chocolates and goodies that I have always wished for. But now that we've all grown up, we have stopped putting up stockings and letters on the Christmas tree and just laugh that old thought away. Santa was back to being the myth it has always been.

Although this may be reality, we may never be able to appreciate Christmas in just this sense--how we see Santa and used to believe in him. Santa, as what my dad tells me, is this spirit of giving that remains with us whenever this time of the year comes. Kids would enjoy this celebration all the more because of that belief and how we keep writing that wishlist in hopes of someone making those wishes come true. That's why we never let their hopes down, that Santa isn't real. Santa will remain real for as long as you believe there's someone out there who will continue to give us hope.

I may no longer be a kid but I will remain a kid at heart, content with the belief that Santa remains true in the spirit of giving, being grateful for friends, family, and all the other blessings that came our way. For that, Christmas remains alive.

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to the Christ that God gave us. :)

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